Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Big Winner by Rochelle

So when I was a "kid" (oh, geez, not one of those stories), no really, the saying was that you had a better chance of being kidnapped by terrorists than winning the lottery. Yeah, well we don't say that so much anymore.

However, the point is that some things are so random that the chances of them happening to you are barely worth mentioning. So when they DO happen to you what do you do? Do you say, gee, maybe this is a sign and I should go buy a lottery ticket? Am I one of the chosen people? (Oh, wait, I am Jewish....) So let me explain.

I have this back issue. Very long, boring, sad tale. There has been surgery, endless injections, physical therapy, MRI's, and more injections. There is the suggestion of more surgery (NO!!!), endless pain medication which is not fun when it is for pain, and most recently something called radio-heat therapy. This procedure was supposed to use heat to deaden the nerves that cause the pain and thereby relieve me of my pain for possibly a year (give or take). I was considered a great candidate. I was hopeful, excited, didn't care about the day I had to take off from work, the $250 co-pay, the pain of the procedure.

Nobody even told me of the possibility that it could end up causing me more pain. That was how remote the possibility was! Less than 5% which I found out on my own off the Internet. Less than 5% and of that even less of a chance for lower back which is what I have. So like the random lottery player, I was the big winner here. My pain is far worse.

When I called the doctor's office the nurse said, "Oh, yeah, sometimes that happens." I get to see the doctor this week. Can't wait.

Last night Rod and I finally decided to watch "No Country for Old Men." I was the big hold out when it was in theaters because I was afraid it was going to be too violent and give me nightmares. Really. Some stuff just stays with me and I can't deal. Like hurting animals... can't see or read that kind of thing. Anyhow, I kept wavering on whether to see it or not and finally it was out of theaters and we stopped caring. We do that with movies all the time. OK, so we start watching at 11 o'clock and it is over two hours long. What does it say about me that I can fall asleep in the middle of a movie filled with nothing but random, heartless killing? You see, this is why you need to see a movie early on. I know the psycho killer is really this good-looking French actor who took his mother to the Academy Awards. I know the ending is going to be weird and that people were disappointed. Basically, I know too much. Whatever, I will watch the rest this afternoon and see if I "understand" the ending. Hey, we just watched the end of Sopranos and I thought it was great. And anyone who thought they killed Tony and his family were not paying attention because THERE WAS NO ONE LEFT TO KILL HIM!!!

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